Selection process

A total of 202 submissions were received for PaPE 2017, with authors from 40 countries.

Of these, a total of 111 submissions was accepted (rejection rate 45%). Of the accepted submissions, 21 were allocated a presentation slot, 90 a poster slot.

For each submission, 3 reviewers from a pool of 150 were asked to provide, alongside a review text, a global evaluation (-3: strong reject, -2: reject, -1: weak reject, 0: borderline, 1: weak accept, 2: accept, 3: strong accept) and a confidence vote (1: none, 2: low, 3: good, 4: high 5: expert).


Overview of reviewer ratings and acceptances

Acceptance was based on reviewers’ evaluations (shown on the axes of the cube) and reviewers’ confidence ratings (not shown in the cube). Assignment to oral or poster presentation was based primarily on the relative rating among accepted submissions but also reflects the organising committee’s aim to create thematic coherence in oral sessions.